Wildflower Ladies Golf Association
Annual Boo Bash
Saturday, October 28th, 2023
Registration Opens at 7:30 AM
- CART and COSTUME judging at 8:30 AM
- Shot Gun at 9:00 AM
- Two, Three or Four person teams compete in scramble format. $40 per person entry fee (Cash only). Light snacks served after play.
- Prizes for best decorated cart and team costumes.
- Be ready for a “boo-dle” of games to “be-devil” your golf skills.
Deadline for entry Thursday, October 26th by noon.
First Lga meeting. Sunflower room. Remainder of lga meetings will be held the first Thursday of the month at 6:00pm. Please come early if you would like to socialize and get food and drinks. The meeting will begin promptly at 6:00pm. There will not be an lga meeting Thursday, July 4th.
Details to follow
Solheim pairings party (6-7pm) and lga meeting (7pm) and Solheim tournament Saturday and Sunday, 2:00pm.
Details to follow
First Lga meeting. Sunflower room. Remainder of lga meetings will be held the second Thursday of the month at 6:00pm. Please come early if you would like to socialize and get food and drinks. The meeting will begin promptly at 6:00pm.