
About admin

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So far admin has created 86 blog entries.
4 05, 2015

Senior Club Championship


It was a beautiful weekend for golf. Everyone was playing well and the Championship came down to the last hole. Congrats to Annette Romero for winning the Senior Club Championship with a 162 two day gross. Darla Kirby had two great days of golf winning the 1st net with a 138 two day net. Donna [...]

Senior Club Championship2015-05-04T09:28:13-05:00
4 05, 2015

Wildflower Ladies at Sammons Invitational


Maureen Einspanier and Jacque Watson  -    "Whoa!    Sammons Golf Course is really beautiful.    Maureen and I paired up to play in their member-guest tournament on Thursday (April 30th).    We had a blast.  I (Jacque) was lucky enough to land on the #2 green for closest to the pin.    Maureen was hitting the ball long and [...]

Wildflower Ladies at Sammons Invitational2015-05-04T09:16:37-05:00
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